Colonization is easy, and| More pages of questions. Exploration Colonization is a pretty important part of playing a major Western European power (Spain, Portugal, England, France). Hopefully I can relieve some of that complexity by helping you understand Colonization.
They take the form of a pop-up notification on the player's screen, which may present a player with a choice, or may simply inform the player of the consequences and require they acknowledge the event has occurred.| EU4 is probably one of the most complex games to play. There are a whole range of events in the game, which can result in positive, negative and mixed outcomes for a player's country. We'll do updates every month or every two months to the mod.| You can use our free chat without registration to talk and chat with strangers, you can also try free chat rooms Talk to random people!| Events occur throughout the course of play. We added a lot of new features to the game with this mod. Europa Universalis IV is definitely among the best entries in the series, but not just thanks to all the new features.| eu4 Conquerors v1.5.1 "Conquerors of the New Age" / DOWNLOAD NOW! Conquerors v1.5.1 "Conquerors of the New Age" / DOWNLOAD NOW! Conquerors is a Europa Universalis IV patch for Age of Civilizations II. But don't worry, my fellow wannabe conquerors: you're not alone. | The Europa Universalis games fit nicely towards players who aim to achieve world domination, but have a very hard time doing so in the real world.
It's hard to plan national ideas out of the blue because costs are not consistent, and are modified by the number of ideas you have on a particular area and the idea level.
Welcome! Small site intended for planning out National Ideas for custom nations on Paradox Interactive's Europa Universalis IV game.